From my facebook note=)
Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
No one tagged me but i've had such a good time reading other people's 25/20/16 things! Then i thought i'd challenge myself and see if i could come up with some things since it's not something i really think about everyday yenno? here goes!
1. i've had 2 major surgeries in my life. if you're ever wondering where i got my huge zipper scar from on my chest, i had heart surgery when i was 10 for a heart murmur. i was born with it, went away, and then all of a sudden came back. my younger younger sister vicky had the same surgery at the same age! the other surgery was for a lump in my boob. they said it would just keep growing but wasn't cancerous and that it'd be best if i just take it out. so i just did it. one other major surgery that gave me the creeps was getting my wisdom teeth out hahahahha. OMG. worst feeling ever.
2. i still get disgusted about pooping. i hate it! i hate the feeling and i feel it's so dirty =( someone knock some sense into me hahaha. i seriously can't get over it after almost 23 years. just can't!
3. my boyfriend was the FIRST guy i met in irvine altogether. he was the first guy i met in the dorms and after almost 4 years..we're still together! a lot of people doubted us but i'm so glad we made it this far. i love him to death. i guess he's my love at first sight. hahah
4. one of my favorite things everrr..everrr..are clean bedsheets! i just love the smell of them and how they feel when you put them on your bed and when they're still warm and you're all snuggged up in there. and of course waking up to the scent of yummy bedsheets in the morning!
5. which leads to this one..i have this big huge thing for smell. i don't know what it is. i love the scent of things. things that smell good of course! like food, flowers, natural scents. not things like poop. gag!
6. i'm scared of escalators. it takes me a while to get on one..and i have to be on the left side getting on always, and i'll step with one foot at a time. i guess it's because my little brother (or was it my cousin?) fell down a set of escalators when he was 5 at a toy store (who puts escalators in toy stores..helllloooo idiots..toy stores = kids?!).
7. i know this is going to sound weird..but im afraid of people with red/orange hair. im not being a racist to people with red/orange hair and i definitely don't hate 's just i get very stressed and have a very high anxiety level when i see people with red/orange hair cuz that shit reminds me of chucky the doll/the killllller. sldkfskldjf;sld gives me the creeps thinking about it!! shivers.
8. i have this thing called an expense tracker. i basically write down all the money that comes in and everything that i spend it an excel sheet. im a fuckin nerd i know. hahaah. but i can never trust the wellls fargo site cuz it's not accurate and up-to-date most of the time. with this tracker, i know exactly how much i have and what i'm putting my money towards. i even catgorize all my spendings and make pivot tables to show what percentage/how much i'm spending in each category. then i write how much and what i spend on each paycheck, save all the receipts, and staple it to a copy of my timesheet and put it in my personal finance folder for my records. wow..i feel like a nerd beyond maaax. hahahah. oh yeah..after thousands of $s in debt..i'm now debt free!
9. i've never broken a bone in my body! knock on wood.
10. i love to clean clean clean. it relieves a lot of stress that i have. but, the kind of cleaning i things until the space is clear. i hate clutter! look at my cube, my car, and parts of my room. they have massive empty spaces! things just have to be hidden to look "clean" for me. i also like cleaning countertops and toilets and vacuuming my car. hahah
11. besides loving to clean, the one thing i CANT get myself to do everyday is PUT MY CLOTHES AWAY!! i find THAT a hassle and i hate it. so that's the only thing that really causes clutter in my room.
12. things that i constantly crave are..charp chae, sushi, thai food, and sandwiches. i will mention one of those items at least 4 days out of the week. only once in a blue moon will i actually go out and get it. oh something else, i never crave sweets. i actually crave the salty, sour, spicy, and pickly foods. im a sucker for food and trying new things and foods that are extremely flavorful.
13. i really want to get my boobs done. but i told myself (and pray haha im just saying that) that when i get pregnant, my boobs will get bigger and that i won't need to get them done. but if they don't get bigger..i'll definitely want to get some. i'm not looking for huge ones..just ones that actually look "normal" for a girl my size. like big B's or even just B's hahahah. but i heard you have to re-do that shit every 10 years. not sure if i'm down for that.
14. so i don't smoke. anything. i've tried it, but i've hated it! i can count how many times on my hands that i did. my aunt just told me that she heard i was a pot head. now some of you guys are going to crack up pretty hard a pot head??? that's like..not in a million freakin years!! i just thought that was so funny. cuz if you're going to least get the facts straight and not choose something so random to tie me to. i barely drink!
15. i would love so much to beat some sense into a bitch one day.
16. i'm really afraid of the future or what's going to happen in the next 2-5 years! if you think about it.. it's the year we all turn 23..and then're going to have to find a stable career/job, get engaged, married, get your own home, and have kids. ummm..those are all life-changing situations. and shit's gunna happen soon! how scaaaaary!! oh yeah, i have to fit business school into there too! it's something i've always wanted to accomplish in life! i love school =)
17. i can't leave anywhere without my vase-line. it's vaseline lip therapy but the world knows i call it vase-line!
18. i adore kids. i always have! i remember the kids first days where i would stop by cabello and tutor/help out/play with little kindergarteners and 1st graders, etc. plus being the oldest in my family, i feel like i took on some responsibilities in taking care of my younger siblings. i've learned a lot about caring for a baby especially since my little brother came out and i'm almost 10 years older than him! i want to have 4 kids just like my parents did, and 2 of them to be twins!
19. i played the piano for 8 years but barely know how to play. i never took it seriously back then and i extremely regret it! i want to start playing again but learn how to play alicia keys and john legend, etc. songs! and sing along tooo =) cuz i love singing even though i'm not good at it. haha. oh yeah i played the clarinet in middle school too!
20. because i love to curl my eyelashes so much..i'm missing a lot of them on the inner part of my top eyelid on my right eye. i've been only putting mascara to work everyday and not curling them so that they can grow out again. i only now curl them on special occasions or when i go out! oh yeah, i have this new obsession for benefit make-up. i love natural-looking make-up!
21. umm..i'm afraid of birds. actually i just hate birds altogether. i've never really had good experiences with them. i hate things that fly such as insects, bugs, whatevers. they always get stuck in my hair. ALWAYS!! if i see something that flies coming towards my way, i will assume it'lll get stuck in my hair and usually never fails!! hahah i know. so weird!!
22. if you've lied to me before, and i found out, i will never forget it. ever. i'll forgive, but will never forget.
23. i find myself to be an extremely nice person..but just throughout college i've learned to be the biggest bitch ever! i guess i was just put into situations where i kept getting stepped all over and got fed up with it. i finally did something about and now i can be a pretty good bitch if i need to be.
24. althought me and my sister look tons alike, we are NOTHING alike! we are actually the complete opposites. and we have extremely strong personalities that clash like no other, giving us no choice but to fight and argue about our beliefs, all the damn time!
25. my middle name is kim chi. everytime i mention it or someone sees it on my liscence theyre just like..your middle name is kim the PICKLED CABBAGE?! like the korean fooood?! i'm just like..heeh..yeaaah..but NO. cuz i'm not korean. it's a viet name and it means something totally different. or golden tree branch or something like that hahaha.
until then!