looove, tiff.





Remember Love - Adriana Evans


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009


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Fonts from: dafont.
Banner image from: here.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First blog.

here i am sitting in my cube..not getting any work done. i've decided to make another blog! i've been wanting one for a long time but could never get myself to actually make one. today i feel an emptiness in me. I'm not sure what it is or why i'm feeling this way but it's really driving me off the wall. i don't think i can concentrate while in this state of mind. i think i just really need a day to myself so i can reflect on this past year (which i haven't been able to do yet) and i actually do make it a point to give myself this time before the beginning of a new year. i feel like there's no direction in my life right now since i haven't made my new years resolutions but haven't had the time to actually sit and think them all out. not writing out my expenses have also been making me feel like my life is not organized right now. something i can't really stand. i guess i can start again once my first paycheck for the year comes! well this is just jibber jabber. im so afraid i won't have anything to write about since i only work full time and there's not much excitement in my life. well i guess this is it for now. until then..